Why we are here;

Our story is simple. We love ring sport. When FCI gets serious about requiring all USMRA dogs to have home country registration (AKC) in order to compete, we will be leaving behind a lot of wonderful teams who can no longer trial. With the variance set to end in 2026, we have decided to bring our long imagined scenario into reality.

Blue Ring Sport (BR) is a mirror of US Mondio Ring Association. BR is not an affiliate of USMRA. BR is not an applicant member of American Working Dog Federation (AWDF). Therefore BR is not governed by FCI Mondioring Commission.

It is our hope that with the creation of BR, we will allow those with amazing working dogs of unknown origin, dogs with BRN’s, rescues, retired MWDs and K9’s, etc., to have a fun sport outlet.

It is not our desire to encourage breeding unpapered dogs. It is not our goal nor intention to use BR as a breeding standard.

We just want you to be able to train and compete with your dog for Mondio if you want to.
